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Welcome to Kuhmoinen!
The municipality of Kuhmoinen, located close to Lake Päijänne in Southern Central Finland, is known for its natural beauty, comprising large forest areas, hundreds of lakes and spectacular glacial ridges. In addition to its 2200 permanent inhabits, the municipality is a popular resort area for thousands of holidaymakers who mainly live in cottages. In the past, Kuhmoinen has attracted also many artists like Pekka Halonen, one of the most famous painters of the Golden Age of Finnish Art, who has depicted Kuhmoinen’s wilderness in his works. The region has been inhabited since the Stone and Iron Ages and there are many pre-historic sites containing rock carvings, forts and other landmarks from past centuries. The oldest rug in Scandinavia was woven in Kuhmoinen.
The area includes 10 villages (Harjunsalmi, Harmoinen, Kylämä, Patavesi, Pihlajakoski, Poikkijärvi-Kissakulma, Puukkoinen, Päijälä, Ruolahti and Sappee) scattered around the commune, all having their own strong cultural traditions and roots in history. The main village, “Kirkonkylä”, has a compact modern centre containing services, shops and cultural sights. Kuhmoinen’s harbour, located very close to the village’s centre, was named Harbour of the Year in 2015 and 2016.



  • Founded in 1868

  • Population approx. 2 300

  • Holiday makers approx. 10 000

  • Holiday apartments approx. 3 000

  • Area 937 km2, of which 276 km2 is water

  • 511 lakes


  • Tampere approx. 85 km (Air Port Tampere-Pirkkala)

  • Lahti approx. 75 km

  • Jyväskylä approx. 100 km

  • Helsinki approx. 185 km (Air Port Helsinki-Vantaa)



Tourist information
Emergency number 112
Healthcare centre +358 20 638 3251, Orivedentie 3, Kuhmoinen
Pharmacy+3583 555 1270, Toritie 42, Kuhmoinen
Public Library Tourist information + 358 40 359 4543, Toritie 42, Kuhmoinen
”Tietokota” Tourist information point, Satamatori, Sahatie 9, Kuhmoinen (summertime)




Majatalo Sahanranta
Sahatie 9, Kuhmoinen,
+358 40 777 0824,

Kopolan kurssikeskus
Residential course centre
Velisjärventie 50, Kuhmoinen
+ 358 40 770 3808,

Lehdesmäen Lomakoti
Holiday residence
Salmijärventie 54, Kuhmoinen
+358 40 752 4538,

Vanha-Pälsilän maatilamatkailu
B&B, Farm Estate accommodation, camping
Pälsiläntie 52, Kuhmoinen
+358 40 570 6782/Matti, + 358 50 541 7453/Eira,


Lomamökit Ruolahti
Holiday cottages and truck service point
+358 3 555 4065, + 358 50 555 4065, +358 40 555 4065.,
Lomamökit Talasniemi, Johanna Simola,

+358 50 525 1509,
Lomamökki, Kuhmanmäki, Poikkijärvi, +358 40 844 2020
Lummenteen vuokramökit, +358 40 077 8043
Tullan pihapiiri, Närväntie 962, +358 40 936 6370
Villa Salokumpu/Reijo Soininen, Nihtiläntie 242,

+358 40 049 1645
Vuokramökit /Ari ja Maija-Leena Uuhiniemi, Puukkoinen, +358 3 555 5645
Heretty Loggers’ Cabin and cafe, Isojärvi National Park, Kylämäntie 1335, Kuhmoinen, +358 400 999 393
Lortikka Loggers’ Cabin, Isojärvi National Park, Kylämäntie 1335, Kuhmoinen, +358 205 64 5270

Restaurants and cafes

Kahvila-ravintola Wonkamies ja kyläkauppa
Restaurant-cafe and shop
Pihlajakoskentie 394, Pihlajakoski
+358 400 71370,

Sarin kotikahvila
Sari’s cafe
Toritie 52, Kuhmoinen
+358 40771 5333,

Kuhmoisten Kädentaitajien kahvila ja myymälä
Handicrafts shop and cafe
Toritie 54, Kuhmoinen

Kahvila Tassi (open summertime)
Cafe Tassi
Toritie 61, Kuhmoinen
+358 44 592 3134

Kahvila Euronpaikka
Cafe, bar, shop
Satamatie 1, Kuhmoinen
+358 400 498 754, 0400 498 754

Pub Wanha Pankki
Toritie 44, 17800 Kuhmoinen
+358 3 555 1117

Tehin Helmi – Kirppis ja kahvila
Flea market and cafe
Toritie 41, Kuhmoinen
+358 50 300 3909

Neste Kuhmoinen
Service station
Toritie 64, Kuhmoinen
+358 3 555 6382

Lauttakioski (summertime)
Ferry kiosk
Kuhmoinen harbour
+358 400 191 371

Heretty Loggers’ Cabin and cafe
Kylämäntie 1335, Kuhmoinen (Isojärvi National Park)
+ 358 400 999 393





Exhibitions & museums
Public Library Art Gallery
Toritie 42, Kuhmoinen,
+358 40 359 4543,,

Open summertime:

Kuhmoisten Riihigalleria
Art Gallery located deep in the forest of Päijälä village. This log building was created by the local painter Niilo Suojoki. Riihigalleriantie 82, Kuhmoinen, +358 40 359 4543.

Galleria ja Kotimuseo
Gallery and Home Museum
Länkipohjantie 158, +358 40 553 5569.

Pihlajakosken Kulttuurimakasiini ja kahvila
Pihlajakoski Art Gallery and cafe
Pihlajakoski harbour, +358 40 576 5971

Ase- ja varusmuseo
Museum of Arms and Warfare
Toritie 60, Kuhmoinen, +358 50 322 0042.

Museum of local history and culture
Kirkkotie 2, Kuhmoinen, +358 40 712 2656.
Vanha-Puolamäen kotimuseo
Farmhouse Vanha-Puolamäki Home Museum
The main building, the former smoke cottage, is from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Orivedentie 63, Kuhmoinen, puh. 040 719 1836/ Tuula Teräs.


Kuhmoisten kädentaitajien myymälä
The shop of local handicrafts
Toritie 54, 17800 Kuhmoinen,
+358 45 6393883,

Kuhmoisten toimintakeskus Tekevä
Activity centre Kuhmoinen and Tekevä shop
Kuntotie 1/Länkipohjantie 109
+358 40 359 4550

H. Roselli
The Finnish knife factory and shop
Rosellintie 1, 17780 Harmoinen
+ 358 45 2608501,,

Taontapaja Pohjola
Forge and shop
Sahatie, vanha Kuhmoisten saha (old sawmill area)
+358 40 740 2778

Culturally valuable historic buildings

Kuhmoisten Saha
Sawmill, founded 1912, in use until 1985.
Located in Kuhmoinen harbour
Guided visits on request, + 358 400 811 272.

Cultural Centre and film theatre, built in 1930.
Toritie 57, Kuhmoinen.

Heinon kirjakauppa, today Sisustusliike Kapsäkki
Former bookshop, built in 1895. Today a home decor boutique and cafe.
Toritie 61, Kuhmoinen, + 358 44 592 3134.

Workers’ association centre. Built in 1923.
Syrjänmäentie 6, Kuhmoinen, +358 40 591 5405

Old wooden church, built in 1784-1785. Toritie, Kuhmoinen

Vanha ja uusi siunauskappeli
Old and new funeral chapels, Papinsaari cemetary



Lake Päijänne
South Päijänne’s nature is dominated by Finland’s second largest lake and the most significant source of clean water, Lake Päijänne, from which over one million Finns get their drinking water. Lake Päijänne surrounds four municipalities: Kuhmoinen, Padasjoki, Asikkala and Sysmä. Furthermore, hundreds of smaller lakes and spectacular glacial ridges and Päijänne National Park’s sandy coves and inlets can be found in the region. Päijänne National Park is situated in the southern part of the lake and contains about fifty islands. The national park can be reached by cruise boat from Kuhmoinen, Padasjoki and Sysmä. Information from Jorma Sainio, +358 40 505 5560,,

Isojärvi National Park
The wooded hills and valleys around Lake Isojärvi bear traces left by both two-legged and four-legged loggers. Old cycle paths lead to former lumberjack’s cabins and croft houses. The only loggers working in the park today are beavers. It is hard to spot these shy animals, but one can find the impressive results of their labour. The national park offers many activities including hiking, canoeing and sightseeing. The park can be reached by car and public transportation. There are sights like rift valleys, formed in faults in the bedrock, the wilderness lake Isojärvi, the Red-throated Diver, Heretty Loggers’ Cabin, Huhtala Croft and Luutsaari Fishing Cottage. The area is suitable for visitors of all ages all year round. The terrain is difficult in places. Services: a cafe at Heretty Loggers’ Cabin in summertime, campfire sites and cooking shelters, dry toilets, lean-to-shelters and camping sites for tents, rental huts, a boat launch site and rowing boat rental.
More information:

Historical hill Linnavuori
Located in the village of Päijälä, approx. 7, 5 km from the centre of Kuhmoinen, the top of this war monument on Linnavuori reaches 40 metres above sea level. On the basis of archaeological findings, it is clear that there has been human activity in the area until 13th century. The nature trail runs through the forest and it is mostly quite easy to traverse. At the base of the historical site there is an information board in English and a parking area. Linnavuorentie 115, Kuhmoinen.



Fresbeegolf trail, 18 baskets
Länkipohjantie 64,, Disc Klupi Kuhmoinen, Markus Hattunen, +358 40 842 5953 and Mari Lampinen, +358 40 743 5041

Kuhmoinen harbour (summertime)

Outdoor beaches
Kuhmoinen Kirkonkylä’s public beach. Dressing rooms, WC, diving board, sport field.
Soini Nikkisen kaari 8, Kuhmoinen
Kokonniemi beach, Kokonniementie
Kalholanniemi beach, Haaverannantie
Tehinhiekka beach, Partaalantie, Ruolahti. Campfire site and volleyball field

Snowmobile rentals, +358 400 491645

Childrens’ playgrounds:
Puuhapuisto, Puistotie 3
Harbour’s playground, Satamatie
Youth Centre’s playground (Nuorisotalon leikkikenttä), Toritie 65

Horse riding
Kirjonurmi stall, Puh. 040 526 8837

Aittolahden Tila (stall) Lea Aittolahti, 050 381 2281

Sking, skating tracks, +358 40 712 2547/Harri Pihkala.

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